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Pool covers

Advantages and characteristics of pool covers

Pool covers protect the water from external factors, preventing them from settling at the bottom of the pool and generating algae or fungi that can damage it.

These covers are made with PVC fabrics, which prevent the passage of light to protect the water quality and keep the pool in perfect condition for the next summer season, without the need to use aggressive chemicals for its maintenance
These covers are made with PVC fabrics, which prevent the passage of light to protect the water quality and keep the pool in perfect condition for the next summer season, without the need to use aggressive chemicals for its maintenance
The protectors have drains in the central part of the fabric to filter rainwater and not cause puddles.

The fixing of the product is done through tension rubbers that are fixed through the eyes on the contour of the water glass. They are 8 mm in diameter (latex interior and nylon exterior). And they are fixed to the concrete with expansion plugs of different diameters. They can be made of brass or steel according to preferences and screw caps, both stainless with a flat hood and with a nylon body, to adapt to the shape of your pool.
In the event that the perimeter is grass or earth, special pegs are used to make the anchors.
In the case of a bar pool cover, the system incorporates lacquered tubular aluminum profiles of 40 mm in diameter that are sheathed with protective sheaths inside the cover itself.

At the same time, it incorporates some side protection elements for the bottom of each tube, to avoid direct rubbing of the pool's perimeter canvas.

The tensioning system is done through two tapes and metal ratchets once the cover is unrolled.
This type of protector is used when you want to protect the pool water on a recurring basis. Not like the previous one which is more for the off season.
There are also mechanical or electric covers with PVC, aluminum or tropical wood slats.
The most basic system is with an external winder with the motor built into the winder, but there is also the option of hiding the slats once collected inside an inside or outside lacquered aluminum or wooden drawer.

It is a very efficient system, which, like all other protectors, can support the weight of a person of up to 100 kg. thus avoiding possible scares of children or animals falling into the pool.

Properties of pool covers:

  • Hermetic closure in a short time
  • Keep the water clean by avoiding the entry of leaves, insects or dirt
  • Avoid evaporation of water and drops in level
  • Restrict the use of the pool to unauthorized persons
  • ¡Save up to 70% on maintenance chemicals

Technical characteristics of the fabrics:

  • Polyester 1100 Dtex coated with UV treatment with a weight of 630 gr/m2.
  • Colors: blue/beige, blue/black, blue/brown (with glossy lacquered exterior).
  • Tensile strength: Warp daN5 220 cms.
  • Resistance to breaking: Warp daN3.
  •  Resistance to extreme temperatures: 30º to + 80º.
  • Wire reinforcement: Pre-contrain (5th wire reinforcement).
  • Eyes: Every 50/60 cms approx.
  • Welding: High frequency.
  • Cut: Digital.